Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Property objects providing tunable settings.

The common use of these is to define them as class variables
(constants), and access them as instance variables. Just once,
the value of an environment variable is read, and that becomes the
value of the property when accessed as an instance variable.

For example:

.. doctest::

   >>> import os
   >>> from import Tunable
   >>> os.environ['NTI_PROP_TEST'] = '42'
   >>> class T:
   ...     PROP = Tunable(default='from class', env_name='NTI_PROP_TEST')
   >>> T().PROP
   >>> os.environ['NTI_PROP_TEST'] = '43'
   >>> T().PROP

If you don't supply an environment variable name, one is derived from
the name of the class (including module) and property.

.. doctest::

   >>> __name__ = ''
   >>> class ACls:
   ...     PROP = Tunable(42)
   >>> ACls.PROP.env_name

The way in which environment variables are converted to Python objects is customizable.
The best way to do this is to use named implementations of :class:`IEnvironGetter`.
A ZCML directive provided by this package will register these with the component
system; this is automatically done when including this package.

.. doctest::

    >>> from import IEnvironGetter
    >>> from zope import component
    >>> from zope.configuration import xmlconfig
    >>> _ = xmlconfig.string('''\
    <configure xmlns="" \
               xmlns:nntp=""> \
         <include package="" /> \
         <nntp:registerTunables /> \
    </configure> \
    >>> component.getUtility(IEnvironGetter, name='byte-size') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    <function get_byte_size_from_environ at ...>
    >>> component.getUtility(IEnvironGetter, name='dotted-name') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    <EnvironGetter 'dotted-name'=<ZConfig.datatypes.DottedNameConversion object at ...>>

There is :obj:`a registry <ENVIRON_GETTERS>` of fallback names that is used
if the component system is not initialized. The same names are registered
in both places. Known getters are:


.. testcleanup::

    from zope.testing import cleanup

.. versionadded:: 2.0.0

import os
import sys
import logging

from zope import component
from zope.component import named
from zope.component.zcml import utility as registerUtility
from zope.interface import Interface
from zope.interface import provider

from ZConfig.datatypes import asBoolean
from ZConfig.datatypes import integer
from ZConfig.datatypes import RangeCheckedConversion
from ZConfig.datatypes import stock_datatypes

_logger = default_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

positive_integer = RangeCheckedConversion(integer, min=1)
positive_float = RangeCheckedConversion(float, min=1)

non_negative_float = RangeCheckedConversion(float, min=0)
non_negative_integer = RangeCheckedConversion(integer, min=0)

def _setting_from_environ(converter, environ_name, default, logger, target):
    logger = logger or _logger
    result = default
    env_val = os.environ.get(environ_name, default) if environ_name else default
    if env_val is not default:
            result = converter(env_val)
        except (ValueError, TypeError):
            logger.exception("Failed to parse environment value %r for key %r",
                             env_val, environ_name)
            result = default
        'Using value %s from environ %r; $%s=%r; default=%r; target=%s',
        result, environ_name, environ_name, env_val, default, target)
    return result

class IEnvironGetter(Interface): # pylint:disable=inherit-non-class
    A getter function for use with :class:`Tunable`.
    # pylint:disable=no-self-argument
    def __call__(environ_name, default, logger=None, target=None):
        Read and return an appropriately converted Python
        object from an environment variable named *environ_name*.

        If this cannot be done (the environment variable is missing
        or malformed), return the *default* value.

        Information will be logged using the :class:`logging.Logger` *logger*.
        If not provided, a default logger will be used.

        The *target* is an optional string giving context information
        about how the value is used. It is only for logging.

class _EnvironGetterRegistry(dict):
    def __init__(self):
        self.__orig = {}
        self.__closed = False

    def __setitem__(self, name, value):
        if not self.__closed:
            self.__orig[name] = value
        super().__setitem__(name, value)

    def close(self):
        self.__closed = True

    def reset(self): # pragma: no cover

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<EnvironGetters %s>" % (list(self),)

    __str__ = __repr__

#: The mapping from string names to getter functions used
#: when there are no components registered.
ENVIRON_GETTERS = _EnvironGetterRegistry()

def _getter(name):
    def wrap(func):
        func = named(name)(func)
        func = provider(IEnvironGetter)(func)
        assert name not in ENVIRON_GETTERS
        ENVIRON_GETTERS[name] = func
        return func
    return wrap

    from zope.testing import cleanup
except ImportError: # pragma: no cover

[docs] @_getter('string') def get_string_from_environ(environ_name, default, logger=None, target=None): """ A getter function that returns the environment value unchanged. In particular, this does no string stripping on trimming, so whitespace is preserved. >>> import os >>> from import get_string_from_environ >>> _ = os.environ.pop('RS_TEST_VAL', None) >>> get_string_from_environ('RS_TEST_VAL', 42) 42 >>> os.environ['RS_TEST_VAL'] = ' <a string> ' >>> get_string_from_environ('RS_TEST_VAL', None) ' <a string> ' """ return _setting_from_environ(lambda k: k, environ_name, default, logger, target)
[docs] @_getter('integer+') def get_positive_integer_from_environ(environ_name, default, logger=None, target=None): """ A getter function that returns a positive integer from the environment (positive integers are those greater than or equal to 1). Other values are ignored. >>> import os >>> from import get_positive_integer_from_environ as fut >>> _ = os.environ.pop('RS_TEST_VAL', None) >>> fut('RS_TEST_VAL', 42) 42 >>> os.environ['RS_TEST_VAL'] = '1982' >>> fut('RS_TEST_VAL', 42) 1982 >>> os.environ['RS_TEST_VAL'] = '1' >>> fut('RS_TEST_VAL', 42) 1 >>> os.environ['RS_TEST_VAL'] = '0' >>> fut('RS_TEST_VAL', 42) 42 >>> os.environ['RS_TEST_VAL'] = '-1492' >>> fut('RS_TEST_VAL', 42) 42 >>> os.environ['RS_TEST_VAL'] = '<a string>' >>> fut('RS_TEST_VAL', 42) 42 """ return _setting_from_environ(positive_integer, environ_name, default, logger, target)
[docs] @_getter('float+') def get_positive_float_from_environ(environ_name, default, logger=None, target=None): """ A getter function that returns a positive decimal from the environment (positive decimals are those greater than or equal to 1). Other values are ignored. >>> import os >>> from import get_positive_float_from_environ as fut >>> _ = os.environ.pop('RS_TEST_VAL', None) >>> fut('RS_TEST_VAL', 42.0) 42.0 >>> os.environ['RS_TEST_VAL'] = '1982.0' >>> fut('RS_TEST_VAL', 42) 1982.0 >>> os.environ['RS_TEST_VAL'] = '1' >>> fut('RS_TEST_VAL', 42) 1.0 >>> os.environ['RS_TEST_VAL'] = '0.0' >>> fut('RS_TEST_VAL', 42) 42 >>> os.environ['RS_TEST_VAL'] = '-1492' >>> fut('RS_TEST_VAL', 42) 42 >>> os.environ['RS_TEST_VAL'] = '<a string>' >>> fut('RS_TEST_VAL', 42) 42 """ return _setting_from_environ(positive_float, environ_name, default, logger, target)
[docs] @_getter('integer0') def get_non_negative_integer_from_environ(environ_name, default, logger=None, target=None): """ A getter function that returns a non-negative integer from the environment (non-negative integers are those greater than or equal to 0). Other values are ignored. >>> import os >>> from import get_non_negative_integer_from_environ as fut >>> _ = os.environ.pop('RS_TEST_VAL', None) >>> fut('RS_TEST_VAL', 42) 42 >>> os.environ['RS_TEST_VAL'] = '1982' >>> fut('RS_TEST_VAL', 42) 1982 >>> os.environ['RS_TEST_VAL'] = '1' >>> fut('RS_TEST_VAL', 42) 1 >>> os.environ['RS_TEST_VAL'] = '0' >>> fut('RS_TEST_VAL', 42) 0 >>> os.environ['RS_TEST_VAL'] = '-1492' >>> fut('RS_TEST_VAL', 42) 42 >>> os.environ['RS_TEST_VAL'] = '<a string>' >>> fut('RS_TEST_VAL', 42) 42 """ return _setting_from_environ(non_negative_integer, environ_name, default, logger, target)
[docs] @_getter('float0') def get_non_negative_float_from_environ(environ_name, default, logger=None, target=None): """ >>> import os >>> from import get_non_negative_float_from_environ >>> os.environ['RS_TEST_VAL'] = '2.3' >>> get_non_negative_float_from_environ('RS_TEST_VAL', None) 2.3 >>> os.environ['RS_TEST_VAL'] = '-2.3' >>> get_non_negative_float_from_environ('RS_TEST_VAL', 1.0) 1.0 """ return _setting_from_environ(non_negative_float, environ_name, default, logger, target)
[docs] def parse_boolean(val): """ >>> from import parse_boolean >>> parse_boolean('0') False >>> parse_boolean('1') True >>> parse_boolean('yes') True >>> parse_boolean('no') False >>> parse_boolean('on') True >>> parse_boolean('off') False .. seealso:: :func:`ZConfig.datatypes.asBoolean` """ if val == '0': return False if val == '1': return True return asBoolean(val)
[docs] @_getter('boolean') def get_boolean_from_environ(environ_name, default, logger=None, target=None): """ >>> from import get_boolean_from_environ >>> import os >>> os.environ['RS_TEST_VAL'] = 'on' >>> get_boolean_from_environ('RS_TEST_VAL', None) True .. seealso:: `parse_boolean` For accepted values. """ return _setting_from_environ(parse_boolean, environ_name, default, logger, target)
[docs] @_getter('duration') def get_duration_from_environ(environ_name, default, logger=None, target=None): """ Return a floating-point number of seconds from the environment *environ_name*, or *default*. Examples: ``1.24s``, ``3m``, ``1m 3.6s``:: >>> import os >>> from import get_duration_from_environ >>> os.environ['RS_TEST_VAL'] = '2.3' >>> get_duration_from_environ('RS_TEST_VAL', None) 2.3 >>> os.environ['RS_TEST_VAL'] = '5.4s' >>> get_duration_from_environ('RS_TEST_VAL', None) 5.4 >>> os.environ['RS_TEST_VAL'] = '1m 3.2s' >>> get_duration_from_environ('RS_TEST_VAL', None) 63.2 >>> os.environ['RS_TEST_VAL'] = 'Invalid' # No time specifier >>> get_duration_from_environ('RS_TEST_VAL', 42) 42 >>> os.environ['RS_TEST_VAL'] = 'Invalids' # The 's' time specifier >>> get_duration_from_environ('RS_TEST_VAL', 42) 42 """ def convert(val): # The default time-interval accepts only integers; that's not fine # grained enough for these durations. if any(c in val for c in ' wdhms'): delta = stock_datatypes['timedelta'](val) return delta.total_seconds() return float(val) return _setting_from_environ(convert, environ_name, default, logger, target)
[docs] @_getter('byte-size') def get_byte_size_from_environ(environ_name, default, logger=None, target=None): """ Return a byte quantity from the environment variable *environ_name*, or *default*. Values can be specified in bytes without a suffix, or with a KB, MB, or GB suffix (case and spacing insensitive). No constraints are applied to the value by this function. >>> import os >>> from import get_byte_size_from_environ >>> os.environ['RS_TEST_VAL'] = '1024' >>> get_byte_size_from_environ('RS_TEST_VAL', None) 1024 >>> os.environ['RS_TEST_VAL'] = '1 kB' >>> get_byte_size_from_environ('RS_TEST_VAL', None) 1024 """ return _setting_from_environ(stock_datatypes['byte-size'], environ_name, default, logger, target)
[docs] class Tunable: """ A non-data descriptor that either returns the *default*, or a value from the environment. The value from the environment is only checked the first time the object is used. When used as a class variable, this is the first time the variable is used on any instane of the class (that is, class variable tunables only check the environment once, not per-instance). The object has a string value useful in documentation. .. caution:: Some version of Sphinx has stopped actually documenting these things for reasons I have yet to figure out, so you should list the default value in the docstring. Instances have a ``value`` property that is set when the instance is accessed: >>> from import Tunable >>> import os >>> _ = os.environ.pop('RS_TEST_VAL', None) >>> tunable = Tunable(42, 'RS_TEST_VAL') >>> tunable <Default: 42 Environment Variable: 'RS_TEST_VAL'> >>> tunable.value 42 >>> os.environ['RS_TEST_VAL'] = '12' >>> tunable.value 42 The usual usage is as a class variable: >>> class T: ... PROP = Tunable(42, 'RS_TEST_VAL') >>> T().PROP 12 >>> T.PROP <Default: 42 Environment Variable: 'RS_TEST_VAL'> >>> T.PROP.value 12 Many named datatypes are available: >>> os.environ['RS_TEST_VAL'] = '1' >>> tunable = Tunable(0, 'RS_TEST_VAL', 'boolean') >>> tunable.value True >>> os.environ['RS_TEST_VAL'] = '' >>> tunable = Tunable(0, 'RS_TEST_VAL', 'inet-address') >>> tunable.value ('', 80) You can supply a logger, or one will be found for you by looking for a 'logger' in the calling frames: >>> from import default_logger >>> logger = None >>> Tunable(0, 'RS_TEST_VAL').logger is default_logger True >>> logger = "from parent frame" >>> Tunable(0, 'RS_TEST_VAL').logger 'from parent frame' >>> Tunable(0, 'RS_TEST_VAL', logger=42).logger 42 >>> class WithTunable: ... TUNABLE = Tunable(0, 'RS_TEST_VAL') >>> WithTunable.TUNABLE.logger 'from parent frame' If the closest logger that we find isn't a real logger, but we find one farther away that _is_ a real logger, we'll use that one: >>> import logging >>> real_logger = logging.getLogger('real.logger') >>> def make_class(): ... logger = real_logger ... def do_it(): ... logger = 'not a real logger' ... class WithTunable: ... TUNABLE = Tunable(0, 'RS_TEST_VAL') ... return WithTunable ... return do_it() >>> WithTunable = make_class() >>> WithTunable.TUNABLE.logger is real_logger True """ _NOT_SET = object() _target_name = '' def __init__(self, default, env_name=None, getter=get_positive_integer_from_environ, logger=None): """ :param str env_name: When an instance is used as a class variable (the usual use), an environment variable name is generated from the name of the class, the name of the module it is in, and the name of the class variable (e.g., ``THE_MODULE_ACLASS_AN_ATTR``). This is used to override that. You must set this if using in a context outside of a class variable. :param IEnvironGetter getter: One of the ``get_`` family of functions from this module, or something implementing the same interface. The default is to get an integer. If you provide a string instead of a callable object, a utility providing that interface and having that name will be searched for; as a fallback, the hard-coded list of utilities in this module will be used. All of the named datatypes supported by :mod:`ZConfig.datatypes` are available to use as names. :param logger: The logger used to record information about the value being used. If not given, tries to find the variable named "logger" in a calling frame that looks-like a logger. .. versionchanged:: 2.0.2 Now searches harder up the call chain to find a logger, and accepts the first one that looks-like a logger. If no real logger can be found, then the first 'logger' variable we see is used. """ self.default = default self.env_name = env_name self.getter = getter if not callable(getter): getter = component.queryUtility(IEnvironGetter, name=getter, default=ENVIRON_GETTERS.get(getter)) self.getter = getter self.logger = logger or self._find_logger() or _logger self._value = self._NOT_SET @staticmethod def _find_logger(): logger = None closest_candidate = None try: frame = sys._getframe(1) # pylint:disable=protected-access except (AttributeError, ValueError): # pragma: no cover # Attribute: Not implemented; Value: wrong depth frame = None while frame is not None: candidate = frame.f_locals.get('logger') closest_candidate = closest_candidate or candidate if hasattr(candidate, 'log'): logger = candidate break frame = frame.f_back return logger or closest_candidate def __set_name__(self, cls, name): self._target_name = cls.__name__ + '.' + name if self.env_name is not None: # pragma: no cover return self.env_name = ('%s_%s_%s' % ( cls.__module__, cls.__name__, name )).upper().replace('.', '_') def __str__(self): return "<Default: %r Environment Variable: %r>" % ( self.default, self.env_name, ) __repr__ = __str__ def __get__(self, instance, cls=None): if instance is None: return self return self.value @property def value(self): """ Invoke this property if you want to get the value when accessing the variable through the class attribute instead of an instance. """ if self._value is self._NOT_SET: self._value = self.getter(self.env_name, self.default, self.logger, self._target_name) return self._value
def _register(): class Getter: def __init__(self, name, converter): self.__name__ = name self.converter = converter def __call__(self, environ_name, default, logger, target=None): return _setting_from_environ(self.converter, environ_name, default, logger, target) def __repr__(self): return '<EnvironGetter %r=%s>' % ( self.__name__, self.converter ) for name, converter in stock_datatypes.items(): if name in ENVIRON_GETTERS: continue _getter(name)(Getter(name, converter)) ENVIRON_GETTERS.close() _register() ### # ZCML ### class _IRegisterTunables(Interface): # pylint:disable=inherit-non-class # Doc tests on interfaces seem not to get run; so the doctest here # is at module level. """ ZCML directive to register all the known IEnvironGetter implementations by name for the use of :class:`Tunable`. """ def _register_tunables(_context): for k, v in ENVIRON_GETTERS.items(): registerUtility( _context, provides=IEnvironGetter, component=v, name=k ) # This snippet generates the documentation: def _generate_docs(): # pragma: no cover func_type = type(lambda: None) class O: def m(self): "Nothing" meth_type = type(O().m) def ref(item): if hasattr(item, 'converter'): item = item.converter if isinstance(item, func_type): if item.__module__ == '': return ':func:`%s`' % (item.__name__,) return ':func:`%s.%s`' % (item.__module__, item.__name__) if isinstance(item, meth_type): kind = type(item.__self__) return ':meth:`%s.%s.%s`' % ( kind.__module__, kind.__name__, item.__name__ ) return ':class:`%s.%s`' % ( type(item).__module__, type(item).__name__ ) for k, v in sorted(ENVIRON_GETTERS.items()): print(k) print(' ', ref(v))